1. What is FOB?
FOB is a Federation of Associations fighting for the freedom of religion, belief and thought. It was born as an initiative in support of the FORB program of the European Union. For more information, here you can find our Statute.
2. Is FOB an Italian or European association?
FOB was born in Italy indeed with the objective to unite in a common effort the European associations fighting for the same purposes. Uncoordinated or spontaneously coordinated actions, without a precise program, have produced great results for the defense of freedom of belief, we therefore wonder: what could we achieve if we are all united? The Federation is the answer to this question, so that those who are fighting a solitary battle for the respect of the rights constitutionally ratified in the EU know that they count at any time on a common home.
3. Is FOB a religious, interreligious or secular platform?
FOB is a secular platform that defends the rights of believers, non-believers and atheists alike. Religious and spiritual belongings inside FOB are intentionally heterogeneous. We care that the Federation is as similar as possible to the scenario we envision for Europe: a place where anyone can coexist and has equal opportunities independently from life style, belief and thought.
4. Does FOB make a distinction between “religions” and “cults”?
FOB openly fights any form of religious discrimination, including the arbitrary distinction between “religion” and “cult”. This last concept lacks any scientific value and has taken on, through the years, a heavily defamatory meaning which causes pain in the groups that suffers it. We obviously condemn any form of abuse, illegality or violence inside any reality – be it religious or non religious, but this is indeed why we refuse aprioristic distinctions of ideological nature.
5. Who are the members of FOB?
FOB has a Board of Directors formed by scholars, lawyers and activists who distinguished themselves in the defense of freedom of belief and conscience. The purpose of the Board is to coordinate the various associations, united in the same purposes, which chose to become part of the platform. The Federation also has a Scientific Committee formed by formed by scholars and lawyers, and an Advisory Council formed by representatives of movements, whether religious or not, who support the principles expressed in our Statute.