Professor Maria d'Arienzo joins the Interministerial Commission for the Treaties with the Religious Denominations

Maria d'Arienzo

Maria d'Arienzo, Full Professor of Ecclesiastical Law and Confessional Rights at the Department of Law of the University of Naples Federico II, as well as a member of the Scientific Committee of Freedom of Belief, has been elected as a member of the Interministerial Commission for the Treaities with the Religious Denominations, established at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic.

FOB, in congratulating Professor D'Arienzo on this new appointment, hopes that the Commission will help to bridge the gap that exists in Italy between the majority denomination and the many religious minorities who, when deprived of a Treaty, experience situations of serious violations of the right to freedom of belief especially in the form, for example, of the right to have places of worship appropriate for religious practice. FOB has repeatedly advocated the need for a procedure that provides certain requirements and timeframes for the stipulation of Treaties that is applied in a fair and respectful manner of diversity. We hope Professor D'Arienzo's contribution will provide the necessary impetus to make those long overdue steps forward.
