
FOB reproduces or quotes documents from the media and different sources on a number of issues. Unless otherwise indicated, the opinions expressed are those of the document's author(s), not of FOB or its directors.

 The New Gnomes of Zurich - A White Paper on Jehovah's Witnesses

 COVID-19: Scapegoating Shincheonji in South Korea - A Second White Paper

 Shincheonji and Coronavirus in South Korea: Sorting Fact from Fiction - A White Paper

 Statement of the European Federation for Freedom of Belief (FOB) about Hate Speech, Fake News and the FOrB of Minotity Groups in the OSCE Region

 Video recording at the International Convention «Law and Freedom of Belief in Europe, an arduous journey»

 Call of the EUROPEAN FEDERATION FOR FREEDOM OF BELIEF (FOB) to European nations to promote and implement the Right to Freedom of Belief, Thought, Conscience and Religion in Europe

 Program of the international convention Law and Freedom of Belief in Europe, an arduous journey

 White Paper on the Future of Europe

 Letter to the Members of the Knesset by the International Religious Freedom Roundtable

 Laicity and Freedom of Belief in Italy: Reports, Suggestions, Evidence

 Statement of the European Federation for Freedom of Belief (FOB) about freedom of belief in Italy

 Letter to Lena Nelskyla, 12 June 2015

 European Parliament Intergroup, Freedom of Religion or Belief World 2014 Report

 Massimo Introvigne speech at the OSCE Conference in Vienna, 18 May 2015

 Anti-mosque act, FOB report

 Comment on Lombardy law on worship places aka “anti-mosque act”

 Answer from French Republic Precidency

 Against freedom of religion and belief? Questions about a European "NGO": FECRIS

 MISA decision 2015

 MISA proceedings in Romanian Courts

 The practice of religious freedom in Italy

 ADF: The Protection of minors against excesses of sects, Rapporteur: Mr. Rudy Salles

 USCIRF: Western Europe 2014

 USCIRF: 2013 Annual Report

 EU Guidelines on the promotion and protection of freedom of religion or belief (FoRB)

 Statute European Federation for Freedom of Belief Association