Board of Directors

The Association is run by a Board of Directors elected by the Assembly amongst the various delegates or representatives of the Associations or Foundations. (art. 11.1 statute)

Alessandro Amicarelli

Chairman of the Board of Directors

Alessandro (Alex) Amicarelli, a member and director of Obaseki & Co Ltd - Obaseki Solicitors Law Firm in London - is a solicitor of the Senior Courts of England and Wales, and a barrister of Italy, specialising in International and Human Rights Law and Immigration and Refugee Law, dealing also with investments and sustainable development and international cooperation too.

Silvio Calzolari


Orientalist and historian of religions. Was a student and collaborator of Fosco Maraini, University of Florence, where for some years he taught Japanese language and literature. Works from 1989 with the superior Institute of religious sciences in Florence, where he taught phenomenology of religion and, now, history of Eastern religions. He collaborates with the Theological Faculty of Central Italy and has been a lecturer of Japanese Archaeology at the University of Bologna (branch of Ravenna).

Germana Carobene

Since 2000 she is a researcher of ecclesiastical law and canon law at the University of Naples Federico II, confirmed on 2 November 2003.

Since 2012 she is Professor of Ecclesiastical Law and Ecclesiastical and Non-Profit Entities at the Degree Course, Master and Specialist, in Social Services, Department of Political Science, University Federico II, Naples.

Serenella Carta

She graduated in law at Cagliari University (Sardinia, Italy).

She practised in a law firm in Cagliari. Forthermore she worked in the PR field and with Poste Italiane (Italian Postal Service).

She lives in Florence.