The 26th of January 2015 in Rome (Italy) at str. Viale Angelico 38, the association named European Federation for Freedom of Belief (FOB), has been officially incorporated by law.
Founders are: Prof. Pietro Nocita (Chairman), Attny. Fabrizio D’Agostini (Councillor), Dr. Raffaella Di Marzio (Secretary), Camillo Maffia (Councillor). Vice-chair is Attny. Alessandro Amicarelli. Other member of the Steering Committee is Prof. Sonia Bartol.
Freedom of Belief – FoB is a free society of culture and information independent from any party; it reaffirms the freedom of religious, philosophic and spiritual creed; it aims to the diffusion, the development and the realization of these principles within the European Community and the International Organization; it protects individuals or associated people from any barrier limiting or discriminating their religious freedom; it appeals to the States for the removal of any block and for the attainment of pacific and free religious choice.
In the Association perspective, the actual achievement of freedom of religious creed, protecting both believers and non-believers, is a relevant element toward a pacific and universal people alliance.
As a stakeholder NGO, European Federation for Freedom of Belief (FoB) is registered since December 8, 2014 on the Official Register of Lobbies before the EU Parliament and Commission in Bruxelles and Strasbourg. (ID number: 761678715190-06). The organisation has members in the following countries: Denmark, France, Italy, Romania, Spain and United Kingdom.
The NGOs: Soteria International, European Coordination for Freedom of Conscience, LAYMS and AIDRL are members of FOB Federation.