Bernadette Rigal-Cellard

Bernadette Rigal-Cellard

Bernadette Rigal-Cellard, full professor, PhD and HDR in Anglophone studies, is Professor in North-American studies and Religious Studies at the Université Bordeaux Montaigne (France) where she founded the Master program « Religions and Societies » in 2005 (multidisciplinary). She is a specialist of minority religions and of their interaction with their surrounding culture, as well as of the links between religions and literatures. She is vice-president of the European Observatory of Religions and secularism.

She has published extensively in these fields and edited several volumes on the transformations of religions in the context of globalization and also in the field of religion and literature, more particularly Native North American literatures.

  • “The Visible Expansion of Scientology and its Actors”. The Journal of Cesnur. Volume 3: issue 1 (January-February 2019) 8-118.
  • Les Douze Tribus, la communauté messianique de Sus en France. Louvain-la-Neuve: EME Éditions, 2019.
  • La religions des Mormons (Albin Michel, 2012).

She led: Les mutations transatlantiques des religions (& Christian Lerat). Pessac: PUB, 2000.

  • Sectes, Églises, mystiques : échanges, conquêtes, métamorphoses. Bordeaux : Pleine Page, 2004.
  • Missions Extrêmes en Amérique du Nord : des jésuites à Raël. Bordeaux : Pleine Page, 2005.
  • Religions et mondialisation : exils, expansions, résistances. Pessac: PUB, 2009.
  • Prophéties et utopies religieuses au Canada. Pessac: PUB, 2011.

Religion and literature

  • & M.C. Perrin-Chenour. Flannery O’Connor. Paris : Armand Colin, 2004 (English).

She studies the reactualization of traditional myths in Native literatures on which she published the first reference book in French and two books in English.

  • Le Mythe et la plume: La littérature des Indiens d’Amérique du Nord. Monaco: Le Rocher, 2004.

In English:

  • House Made of Dawn. Paris: Didier Erudition, 1997.
    (ed.) House Made of Dawn, Scott Momaday. Paris: Ellipses, 1997.