1100 signatures against the "anti-mosques" law delivered by F.O.B. to Hon. Lacquaniti (PD)

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Yesterday, at Montecitorio, at 2.30 PM, Raffaella di Marzio, Secretary of F.O.B. (European Federation for Freedom of Belief) presented to Hon. Luigi Lacquaniti (PD), along with a letter of thanks, the first 1,100 signatures collected in the petition promoted by the Federation to wield the “anti-mosques law approved by the Veneto Region. The Waldensian MP manifested his intention to join the initiative and signed the petition.

"The interest and attention of Hon. Lacquaniti encourage us to continue our activities, certain that we can count on helpful interlocutors within the democratic institutions” Di Marzio said. During the meeting, which lasted about 30 minutes, Lacquaniti took in consignment the book with the signatures and discussed with F.O.B.’s representative different issues related to freedom of religion, particularly those covered by the petition, and those related to the defense of freedom of worship for religious minorities in Italy. On this front the engagement of MP will pursue further.

Also the question of the lack, in Italy, of a law on religious freedom was covered: F.O.B.'s Secretary stressed the interest of the Association to bring the issue of freedom of religion and belief in Italy in the institutions’ agenda regardless of political affiliations. Hon. Lacquaniti, in sharing this need, identified the need for a shared project not only in respect to the Constitution, but also to give a correct and concrete application, in our country, to the guidelines FORB (Freedom of Religion or Belief) approved by the Council of the European Union in 2013.

on luigi lacquaniti

Below the video (in italian) of the press conference by Hon. Luigi Lacquaniti to present the interpellation to the Government against the recent law of the Veneto Region which violated the right to religious freedom.
