The United Nations Zero Discrimination Day is held each year in March 1st. On this year 2022, Alessandro Amicarelli, chairman of the European Federation for Freedom of Belief (FOB), introduced one of the bi-monthly webinars on the Tai Ji Men case titled “Tai Ji Men: 25 Years of Discrimination.” The webinar was organized by CESNUR, the Center for Studies on New Religions, and HRWF, Human Rights Without Frontiers, a Brussels-based NGO.
Whereas March 1st is the U.N. Zero Discrimination Day, February 28 is the day when Taiwanese remember the 228 Incident of February 28, 1947, when thousands and perhaps tens of thousands died in the repression of protests against the government, said Alessandro Amicarelli, who is a UK based lawyer specialised in Human Rights Law and Immigration and Refugee Law. Then he presented a video about the events that started in December 1996, inaugurating the Tai Ji Men case, and produced “the coldest winter for Tai Ji Men ‘shifu’ (Grand Master) and ‘dizi’ (disciples),” causing enormous and unnecessary suffering.
The full report of the webinar can be read on Bitter Winter website