Nelly Ippolito Macrina, obituary

Nelly Ippolito Macrina

On 22 August, a few days after the departure of her husband, Dr Giuseppe Macrina, Dr Nelly Ippolito Macrina, recently retired Vice-Prefect of Florence, died in Florence.

She was an outstanding civil servant and held various roles at local and national level.

At the Ministry of the Interior she dealt extensively with civil liberties and was responsible for the Affairs of non-Catholic Faiths, and directed the Observatory for Religious Freedom. Her last assignment was as Vice-Prefect of Florence.

She published as author or co-author texts on immigration law, labour law and religious minorities.

She collaborated with CESNUR, FOB and other organisations on issues concerning freedom of religion and belief, showing competence and sensitivity towards many religious and spiritual communities who appreciated her humanity in dealing with non-traditional realities.

FOB would like to remember her first and foremost as a gentle and well-balanced friend whom we already miss, as well as a well-prepared civil servant who set an example for many.
