She is Full Professor of Ecclesiastical Law, Canon Law and Confessional Rights at the Department of Law of the University of Naples "Federico II".
She is Director of the Review "Diritto e Religioni" and Director, with Giuseppe Cataldi, of the series "Migrazioni Euromediterranee, Sistemi Normativi e Scambi Internazionali" for the types of Luigi Pellegrini Editore.
She is an elected member of the Board of Directors of the Association of university professors of the legal discipline of the religious phenomenon (ADEC) and an appointed member of the Board of Directors of the International Jacques Maritain Institute (IIJM).
She is also Director of the Department of Interfaith Dialogue at The Halal and Shari'a Compliance Academy.
She is the author of four monographs and numerous articles mainly dedicated to the relationship between secularism and religious freedom in a comparative perspective, to the incidence of the religious factor in migration dynamics, to the problems concerning the relationship between Islamic law and Western law relating to family law, to the legal condition of women, to the principles of Islamic finance and economy, to liability and reparation of damage in canon law.