Russia: religious cleansing going on at full speed

Reprint of an article published by HRWF.

HRWF (11.08.2017) – In the name of the “concept of spiritual security” and on the basis of its “anti-missionary legislation”, Russia is violating one of the most fundamental rights to religious freedom that was however fully recognized by the European Court of Human Rights in the case Kokkinakis v. Greece in 1993: The right to share one’s beliefs with others.

France/Russia: FECRIS russian branch behind the persecution of non orthodox minorities in Russia

We relay here the following press release of HRWF, which thoroughly describes what FOB has been informing about for some time, too, i.e. the pressures and the manipulation of information performed by FECRIS and its representatives, in order to ban "undesirable" religious confessions.

Court case on Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia and creation of the “Academy of Orthodox Politicians”. Exclusive interview with Professor Massimo Introvigne

(Unsolved Crimes [Odessa])

Professor Massimo Introvigne, an internationally well-known Italian sociologist and director of CESNUR[1], has been at the forefront of several international initiatives protesting the “liquidation” of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia. In international conferences in Italy, Israel, and the U.S. he called it “one of the most serious assaults to religious liberty in recent times. He kindly gave an exclusive interview to the “Unsolved Crimes” newspaper.

Russia vs Jehovah's Witnesses and the influence by FECRIS

We cannot fail to utter our most lively worry for what is happening in Russia versus the religious minorities as well as for the disturbing similitude between nowadays draconian application of a law for national safety, so become freedom-killing (the Yarovaya law) and what happened less than one century ago not just in the soviet sphere but also elsewhere in the world, in countries later become the stage of the worst historical facts and the most heinous tragedies of the twentieth century. However, it is also mandatory to investigate the occurrence so as to understand the root of it.

Freedom of religion still prevails in the Council of Europe

Our French partner EIFRF (European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom), was one of the most active NGOs to support the proposal of the Rapporteur Valeriu Ghiletchi, fighting to get the approval by the Parlementary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) of a proposed resolution and a recommendation for "The Protection of the rights of parents and children belonging to religious minorities". Here follows the announcement posted on EIFRF's website.

Presentation of the volume of the Proceedings of FOB at Tuscany Regional Council Building

FLORENCE – Friday, April 7, 2017, at 3.30 PM in the "Sala dei Gigli" of the "Palace of Pegaso" of the Tuscany Regional Council there has been the presentation of the volume of the acts of the Conference held on 21 December 2015 by FOB in Rome, in the Globe Hall of the Chamber of Deputies.

A rampant religious intolerance all over Russia

Putin wants to ban Jehovah’s Witnesses from Russia

Under the guise of the fight to terrorism, in Putin’s Russia a new war has started for some time, not a cold war indeed, versus several religious groups.

Jehovah’s Witnesses, Adventists, Pentecostal, Baptist, Scientology, Hare Krishna, are only a few of the targets of this attack started over fifteen years ago through federal laws “against extremism and terrorism” as wanted by the now-deceased former president Boris Eltsin and the Orthodox Church.

Marco Ventura – The future of Europe and freedom of belief

FOB – The 60th Anniversary of the Treaties of Rome will be celebrated in the Italian capital city on Saturday march 25th, by government leaders or prime ministers of the EU.

It will be an occasion to go over the current state of the Union and the future of the integration process.

Certainly an appraisal will be done on the past sixty years and according to us, it should not be regardless of the discussion of issues, which in this period of our history, are mercilessly imposed on us as far as human rights and civil liberties are concerned.