OSCE HDIM 2017 - FOB: Refugees and displaced persons
OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
Human Dimension Implementation Meeting 2017.
OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
Human Dimension Implementation Meeting 2017.
OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
Human Dimension Implementation Meeting 2017.
Working session 9: Tolerance and non-discrimination
15 September 2017
It is a major obligation of all OSCE member states to combat discrimination and substantial resources are invested to diminish the symptoms of discrimination and non-tolerance. Still, discrimination and non-tolerance continue to challenge our societies.
OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
Human Dimension Implementation Meeting 2017
Working session 6: Fundamental freedoms II, including
Freedom of Thought, Conscience, Religion and Belief
OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
Human Dimension Implementation Meeting 2017.
Working session 7: Tolerance and non-discrimination, 1
14 September 2017
CAP is a FOB's federated association which operates mostly in France to contrast anti-religious activities by groups like the French UNADFI (member of FECRIS) and the governamental body MIVILUDES.
Not yet the echo has turned off, of the uproar created by the clamorous Russian decision of last 21 April, whereby the Russian Supreme Court actually banned the Jehovah’s Witnesses; now, even more draconian measures are coming up against religious groups.
We cannot fail to utter our most lively worry for what is happening in Russia versus the religious minorities as well as for the disturbing similitude between nowadays draconian application of a law for national safety, so become freedom-killing (the Yarovaya law) and what happened less than one century ago not just in the soviet sphere but also elsewhere in the world, in countries later become the stage of the worst historical facts and the most heinous tragedies of the twentieth century. However, it is also mandatory to investigate the occurrence so as to understand the root of it.
Our French partner EIFRF (European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom), was one of the most active NGOs to support the proposal of the Rapporteur Valeriu Ghiletchi, fighting to get the approval by the Parlementary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) of a proposed resolution and a recommendation for "The Protection of the rights of parents and children belonging to religious minorities". Here follows the announcement posted on EIFRF's website.
Video and text of the introductory speech by prof. Silvio Calzolari, Secretary of FOB, at the presentation of the Acts of the 1st Conference by FOB, Laicity and Freedom of Belief in Italy, and greetings by Honourable Luciano Ciocchetti.
FLORENCE – Friday, April 7, 2017, at 3.30 PM in the "Sala dei Gigli" of the "Palace of Pegaso" of the Tuscany Regional Council there has been the presentation of the volume of the acts of the Conference held on 21 December 2015 by FOB in Rome, in the Globe Hall of the Chamber of Deputies.
Video and text of the speech of dr. Alessandro Lo Presti, Institutional Relations and Representation Regional Council of Tuscany, opens the meeting waiting for the President of the Regional Council of Tuscany, dr. Eugenio Giani.
Video and text of the speech by dr. Eugenio Giani, President of the Regional Council of Tuscany.
Video and text of the speech by professor Luigi Berzano, of the University of Turin, held on 7 april 2017 at the presentation of the Acts of the 1st Conference by FOB, Laicity and Freedom of Belief in Italy.
Video and text of the speech by Hon. Riccardo Migliori, Past President OSCE Parliament, held on 7 april 2017 at the presentation of the Acts of the 1st Conference by FOB, Laicity and Freedom of Belief in Italy.
Video (in Italian) and text of the speech by professor Silvio Calzolari, Secretary of FOB, held on 7 april 2017 at the presentation of the Acts of the 1st Conference by FOB, Laicity and Freedom of Belief in Italy.
Video and text of the speech by Dr. Nelly Ippolito Macrina, held on 7 april 2017 at the presentation of the Acts of the 1st Conference by FOB, Laicity and Freedom of Belief in Italy.
Video and text of the speech by lawyer Fabrizio D'Agostini, Councillor of FOB, held on 7 april 2017 at the presentation of the Acts of the 1st Conference by FOB, Laicity and Freedom of Belief in Italy.
Short analysis by Silvio Calzolari (FOB Secretary) on the declarations released at OSCE HDIM conference by FOB President, Alessandro Amicarelli and by the confederated associations SOTERIA and CAP.
In recent decades, the right of every human being to freedom of expression and religious practice has often been proclaimed, including at the highest levels (United Nations, Council of Europe, the Helsinki Conference, OSCE etc.).
In this page you can find documents and videos about the activities of the European Federation for Freedom of Belief (FOB) and the associated NGOs, concerning freedom of religion and belief and human rights issues, at the Europe’s largest annual human rights conference. It was organized by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), in Warsaw, from 19 to 30 September 2016. In this year FOB has presented two statements, one in session #12 and one in session #13.