
CAP Statement at OSCE HDIM 2016

Coordination of Associations and Individuals for Freedom of Conscience (CAP)

OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting 2016:
Freedom of Religion or Belief
September 2016

CAP is an association created in 2000 to unite minority religions in Europe to counter discrimination concerning the right to freedom of conscience and belief. It has consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.

OSCE 2016: Statement of the European Federation for Freedom of Belief

OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
Human Dimension Implementation Meeting 2016

Working session 12: Fundamental freedoms II,
Freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief

about Freedom of Belief in Italy : Problems & Perspectives

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

OSCE 2016: Freedom of Thought, Conscience, Religion or Belief

OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
Human Dimension Implementation Meeting 2016

Working session 13: Fundamental freedoms II,
including freedom of movement

Freedom of Thought, Conscience, Religion or Belief

about Freedom of Movement in connection to Freedom of Religion and Belief

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

The government appeals against the "anti-mosques law": 1197 signatures in a month in support of FOB

The Government will appeal against the anti-mosques  law of the Veneto government before the Constitutional Court: this was announced by Hon. Luigi Lacquaniti (Democratic Party) who supported the initiative launched by the European Federation for Freedom of Belief, a petition drive that collected 1,197 signatures in just over a month.

1100 signatures against the "anti-mosques" law delivered by F.O.B. to Hon. Lacquaniti (PD)

Yesterday, at Montecitorio, at 2.30 PM, Raffaella di Marzio, Secretary of F.O.B. (European Federation for Freedom of Belief) presented to Hon. Luigi Lacquaniti (PD), along with a letter of thanks, the first 1,100 signatures collected in the petition promoted by the Federation to wield the “anti-mosques law approved by the Veneto Region. The Waldensian MP manifested his intention to join the initiative and signed the petition.

No to the "anti-mosques" law in Veneto

F.O.B. asks the Government of challenging the "anti-mosques law” which violates the Constitution and the freedom of religion of all religious minorities:

Sign the petition

F.O.B. (European Federation for Freedom of Belief) calls on the Government to challenge the law on places of worship approved in the Veneto region. As already sanctioned by the Constitutional Court on the previous one, this "anti-mosques law" violates the principles of our Constitution, which guarantees freedom of religion, belief and conscience to all religious denominations.

Letter of concern regarding Gregorian Bivolaru

In concern of the fundamental rights of the refugee Magnus Aurolsson, formerly named Gregorian Bivolaru

We are deeply concerned that the fundamental rights of the religious refugee Gregorian Bivolaru are today not secure within the EU judicial collaboration.

Last month European police and media seem to continue the same persecution based upon religious discrimination, for which Gregorian Bivolaru was granted the status of political asylum By the Supreme Court of Sweden in 2006.

Given that

Text of the Anti-Cult Law Proposal in Israel

We publish the text of the bill against dangerous cults based on the notion of mental manipulation. Academics of MEIDA have mobilized themselves to counter this initiative by sending documents and studies that refute the notions of "cult" and "mental manipulation". The CESNUR site was the first one to give the news in Italy and HRWFspread the appeal of the Israeli scholars through its Newsletter. FOB is intervening, on the basis of its statutory purposes, to contribute to the campaign against this bill.

Presentation of the European Federation for Freedom of Belief (FOB) at Montecitorio Palace

On December 21, 2015, the European Federation for Freedom of Belief held its presentation conference at the Chamber of Deputies.
The event, organized in the prestigious “Hall of Globe” of Montecitorio Palace thanks to Hon. Luciano Ciocchetti, was attended by about seventy people, among whom also representatives of nine religious and spiritual minorities:

Request to UNHCR to review the guidelines about the Pakistani Christians refugees matter

The European Federation for Freedom of Belief (FOB) supports Lord David Alton’s request addressed to UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - to review the guidelines about the Pakistani refugees matter.
According to Lord Alton, the UNHCR is denying the existence of an ongoing persecution against Pakistani Christians, reducing such dramatic situation to a case of simple discrimination.

OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting - Warsaw 2015

In this section you can find documents and videos about the activities of the European Federation for Freedom of Belief (FOB) and the NGOs CAP, Soteria International and AIDLR, concerning freedom of religion and belief and human rights issues, at the Europe’s largest annual human rights conference. It was organized by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), in Warsaw, from 21 September to 2 October 2015.

Human Rights, Anti-mosque Law and Anti Cult Squad challenged by FOB at the OSCE Meeting in Warsaw

“The Italian government shall clarify about the anti-mosque legislation passed by Lombardy and about the Anti Cult Squad of the State Police”, Alessandro Amicarelli, spokesman of FOB (European Federation for Freedom of Belief), has addressed with his statement the plenary assembly of OSCE/ODIHR at Warsaw (see the video).

Final victory for Mr. Touru Goto

TOKYO, 01.10.2015 (FOREF) – Japan’s Supreme Court has handed Touru Goto final victory in his civil case stemming from his 12 year and 7 month confinement by faith breakers. Japan’s Supreme Court on September 29 dismissed appeals by the defendants in the case and let stand a previous verdict by Tokyo High Court. This ended Mr. Goto’s 7-year legal battle to receive justice. Mr. Goto released the following statement.