Christian pastors victims of religious intolerance in Rajasthan

We receive and publish this appeal by the British Asian Christians Association in support of five Christian pastors arrested on charges of forcibly converting Hindus. They are also accused of distributing copies of the Bible and other Christian literature. It is always sad to report such news of intolerance, which often inflames the animosity of crowds and results in acts of violence.

Deregistration attempt of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Norway declared invalid by the Court of Appeal

By Willy Fautré (HRWF) — On Friday 14 March, the Borgarting Court of Appeal issued a landmark judgment declaring the loss of registration and denial of state grants for the years 2021-2024 invalid.

It unanimously concluded that the practice of social distancing does not expose children to psychological violence or negative social control. Furthermore, the Court found that their practice is in harmony with the Faith Communities Act and in compliance with the European Convention on Human Rights.

Ukrainian Quakers support Zelinsky, a Seventh-Day Adventist

Can someone be imprisoned because he does not want to participate in a war? Can someone be imprisoned because he refuses to participate in the murder of other human beings? Yes, one can. According to the Ternopil Court of Appeals (Ukraine), refusing to take part in a war is neither a praiseworthy stance nor an inalienable right, but a criminal offence, which resulted in Ukrainian citizen Dmytro Zelinsky – a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church being sentenced to three years imprisonment.

State religious intolerance in Pakistan: a sad reality

Our partner CAP Liberté de Conscience, which has always been at the forefront in denouncing violations of freedom of belief that affect religious minorities, published an article, which we republish below, in which it stigmatises the connivance between the Pakistani police and the extremist zelot group Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) in the use of violence against Ahmadiyya Muslim communities, their places of worship and even the graves in their cemeteries. The role of social media in spreading hate speech against Ahmadiyya Muslims is also denounced.

Christian pastors victims of religious intolerance in Rajasthan

We receive and publish this appeal by the British Asian Christians Association in support of five Christian pastors arrested on charges of forcibly converting Hindus. They are also accused of distributing copies of the Bible and other Christian literature. It is always sad to report such news of intolerance, which often inflames the animosity of crowds and results in acts of violence.

Deregistration attempt of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Norway declared invalid by the Court of Appeal

By Willy Fautré (HRWF) — On Friday 14 March, the Borgarting Court of Appeal issued a landmark judgment declaring the loss of registration and denial of state grants for the years 2021-2024 invalid.

It unanimously concluded that the practice of social distancing does not expose children to psychological violence or negative social control. Furthermore, the Court found that their practice is in harmony with the Faith Communities Act and in compliance with the European Convention on Human Rights.