
Ukrainian Adventist Dmytro Zelinsky's battle continues in Constitutional Court

Dmytro Zelinsky, a 45-year-old Seventh-day Adventist, is serving 3 years in prison for refusing to engage in military mobilization as it conflicts with the tenets of his faith. On June 5, 2023, Judge Tetyana Klim of the Kremenets District Court in the Ternopil region had acquitted him on the basis of Article 35 of the Ukrainian Constitution, which provides, “If the performance of military duty contradicts a citizen's religious beliefs, the performance of this duty shall be replaced by alternative (non-military) service.”

Socio-Anthropological Approaches to Religion: Environmental Hope

We are glad to announce the release of a new book Socio-Anthropological Approaches to Religion: Environmental Hope, co-edited by David W. Kim, a Professor at the Australian National University and Kookmin University, Seoul, and also a member of our Scientific Committee, with Duncan Wright, an Associate Professor at the Australian National University’s School of Archaeology and Anthropology.

Religious persecution in Europe: VP Margaritis Schinas’ vision of tolerance and solidarity

by Juan Sanchez Gil (The European Times) — In a passionate and reflective speech delivered today (10 October 2024) at the European Parliament during the “how to stop the rise of religious intolerance in Europe” debate, Mr. Margaritis Schinas, Vice President of the European Commission, addressed the importance of religious freedom, tolerance, and the European way of life. His speech, rich in both historical context and forward-looking vision, called for a united European response to religious intolerance while affirming the values that define Europe today.

In memory of Aldo Braibanti

60 years after the start of the case that would lead to his conviction for plagio

by Alessandro Amicarelli — October 12, 2024 marks the 60th anniversary of a tragic event for the Italian democracy. On that date the Aldo Braibanti case, a judicial disgrace in a republican, democratic and anti-fascist Italy, began. All the more so because the defendant on trial would shortly be a young philosophy graduate, formerly on the Italian Communist Party's central committee, formerly a partisan, accused of using plagio, the legal guise of brainwashing, to allegedly obtain sexual favors from younger boys.

No privacy for the Church of Almighty God in the Rome-Beijing plot

Bitter Winter reports the gruesome story of the release of personal data of Chinese asylum seekers who are members of the Church of Almighty God. Whatever one's stance there may be about minority religious groups, which anti-cult and against-cult organizations continue to call cults and abusive sects – or even specifically towards this Chinese community, the State should ensure the utmost secrecy and protection of the data of asylum seekers.

Sharon Verzeni, a Midsummer Night's Nightmare

On October 8th 1600 A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare was published by Thomas Fisher. On a 2024 midsummer night in Northern Italy a young woman, Sharon Verzeni, 33 years old, popped out of her home for a night walk when her short and fatal midsummer nightmare started. In fact, minutes later someone attacked her and after managing to call the local ambulance service for help she died.

One Step Forward and Two Steps Back: The Road to Serfdom and the Tai Ji Men Case

This paper was presented at the webinar “After the August 2 Taichung Decision on the Tai Ji Men Case: Can the Law Become a Tool of Violence?” co-organized by CESNUR and Human Rights Without Frontiers on August 22, 2024, United Nations International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief.

Abuses to counter alleged abuses: a French story

The case of the raid on 28 November 2023 by a SWAT team (Special Weapons Assault Team) on a number of houses and flats where yoga practitioners linked to the MISA yoga school in Romania were gathering for their spiritual retreats had already been covered in this article of 16 April. Now Willy Fautré, director of Human Rights Without Frontiers, traces the incident by analysing the testimonies of 20 unfortunate people who suffered the indignity of the French police raid.

USCIRF Releases New Report on Religious Freedom in Afghanistan

Washington, DC — On August 7, 2024 the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) today released the following new report: Afghanistan Country Update - This country update describes current religious freedom conditions under de facto Taliban authorities, including the introduction and enforcement of strict religious edicts.

From Canada another ruling in favour of Jehovah's Witnesses

Another ruling in favor of the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, this time by the Superior Court of Justice of Ontario, Canada, which refutes the thesis dear to the anti-cultists that in the Jehovah's Witnesses – as in other religious minorities – the commission of crimes is implicit, to the point of making them 'systemic'. The Canadian court rightly pointed out that, in the case at hand, the responsibility for the alleged crimes is personal.

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. Also in Azerbaijan.

The incidents of intolerance against the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light (AROPL), a New Islamic Religious Movement opposed in Muslim-majority countries such as Azerbaijan and Turkey, but also in unsuspected human rights champions such as Sweden, continue. Human Rights Without Frontiers' director Willy Fautré reports in an article reproduced below that in Azerbaijan there have been arrests among AROPL worshippers for being guilty of peacefully expressing their faith in public.

The United Nations stigmatises the Japanese government's guidelines on 'cults'.

In a recent article, Professor Massimo Introvigne reported on an alarming increase in incidents of violence perpetrated in Japan against members of the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses and an equally alarming increase – according to Jehovah's Witnesses of up to 638 percent – of hate crimes and hate speeches.

Is there a right not to participate in war?

In the Anno Domini 2024, according to the legal system of the states, such a right is not contemplated. On the other hand, there is the military crime of desertion and the impossibility for an individual to opt out of participating in the war event, which, as is known, causes death and destruction. For this reason, Ukrainian citizen Dmytro Zelinsky - a faithful member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church which prohibits the use of weapons - was sentenced to three years in prison. His refusal to participate in the war event is not covered by a person's rights.

The Europe of those who don't believe

Preface, in the Italian version, to the volume Non-believer's Europe: models of secularism, individual statuses, collective rights, edited by A. Orioli, Nessun dogma, Rome, 2019, currently being printed, which collects the proceedings of the Conference, with the same title, organised by the U.A.A.R. and held at the European Parliament (Brussels, 22-23 March 2018). It is published by kind permission of the Publisher Stato, Chiese e pluralismo confessionale.

MIVILUDES caught (again) red-handed

The anti-cult government agency MIVILUDES (Mission Interministérielle de Vigilance et de Lutte contre les Dérives Sectaires) received another 'slap in the face' from none other than its home court, the Paris Administrative Court, which certified MIVILUDES' malfeasance in packaging and spreading false news on religious minorities - in this case, the Jehovah's Witnesses - contemptuously describing them as 'cults' and attributing to them deviant sectarian behaviours that (...)

Anti-cultists at work in Argentina against the Yoga School

"Repeat a lie a hundred, a thousand, a million times and it will become a truth" is a phrase attributed to Nazi hierarch Joseph Goebbels, Minister of the Propaganda of the Third Reich. Whether the attribution is correct or not, this practice is constantly used in all spheres to try to inculcate in others or in the public opinion a certain modus pensandi (way of thinking) and, consequently, a certain modus operandi. It is certainly used by the anti-cultists, as repeatedly reported on this site.