Cerca MISA Yoga

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  1. MIVILUDES all’opera: fedeli di MISA Yoga e il loro leader spirituale Gregorian Bivolaru arrestati in Francia

    MIVILUDES all’opera: fedeli di MISA Yoga e il loro leader spirituale Gregorian Bivolaru … riunivano dei praticanti di yoga legati alla scuola di yoga MISA in Romania per i loro ritiri spirituali.  …

  2. MIVILUDES at work: MISA Yoga believers and their spiritual leader Gregorian Bivolaru arrested in France

    MIVILUDES at work: MISA Yoga believers and their spiritual leader Gregorian Bivolaru … and apartments where yoga practitioners associated with the MISA yoga school in Romania were gathering for their …

  3. La CEDU condanna la Romania a un risarcimento di 291.000 euro alle vittime di MISA Yoga

    … Romania a un risarcimento di 291.000 euro alle vittime di MISA Yoga Sezione: Attività … 28 Aprile 2016 MISA – Movimento per l’Integrazione dello Spirito …

  4. MISA Yoga case: in Romania everyone was fully acquitted, now we look forward to the Italian conclusion

    MISA Yoga case: in Romania everyone was fully acquitted, now we … the 11 th of February 2015, the proceedings against the MISA Yoga group in Romania has been concluded with full …

  5. Caso MISA Yoga: in Romania tutti assolti, ora aspettiamo la vicenda italiana

    Caso MISA Yoga: in Romania tutti assolti, ora aspettiamo la vicenda … Il giorno 11 febbraio 2015 il processo contro il gruppo MISA Yoga in Romania si è concluso con la completa assoluzione …

  6. ECHR unequivocally states that Romanian authorities have majorly violated Human Rights when handling the case of MISA

    … majorly violated Human Rights when handling the case of MISA Sezione: Articles … Violations of the freedom of religion and belief for MISA yoga practitioners in Romania For almost a decade …

  7. Romania, a yoga group wins an important case at the European Court: Romania must pay eur 291,000 to the victims

    Romania, a yoga group wins an important case at the European Court: … “Movement for Spiritual Integration into the Absolute” (MISA). From 8th to 16th May 2013, Human Rights Without … in Romania and published a 23-page report entitled “MISA, Gregorian Bivolaru & Yoga Practitioners in Romania” …

  8. The Romanian yoga teacher, Gregorian Bivolaru, is released from prison

    The Romanian yoga teacher, Gregorian Bivolaru, is released from prison … Gregorian Bivolaru , a Romanian yoga teacher who was illegally arrested by Romanian … Meanwhile, after five years from the police raid against MISA Yoga in Italy, executed by the anti-cults police …

  9. Gregorian Bivolaru, insegnante di yoga rumeno, è stato scarcerato

    Gregorian Bivolaru, insegnante di yoga rumeno, è stato scarcerato Sezione: … Gregorian Bivolaru , l'insegnante di yoga rumeno incarcerato illegalmente dalle autorità rumene, … a cinque anni dall'irruzione della polizia nella sede di MISA Yoga in Italia, eseguito dalla Squadra Anti-Sette …

  10. Letter of concern regarding Gregorian Bivolaru

    … Belief (FOB) – Italy League of anti-defamation of yoga and spiritual movements (LAYMS) - Romania … and political scientist, journalist. Author of the books: MISA. The Scrutiny of the Repression [Polirom, 2013]; Yoga Repression during 80s [Polirom, 2008] - Romania …